Course curriculum

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    Designing Instructionally Sound ELearning Courses

    • Course Navigation

    • Introduction - Course II

    • Lesson 7 - Needs Analysis and Data Collection Methods

    • Conducting Needs Analysis Workbook

    • Lesson 7 - Needs Analysis and Data Collection Methods Quiz

    • Lesson 8 - Learning Objectives

    • Bloom’s Taxonomy - Cognitive Domain

    • Bloom's taxonomy - Affective Domain

    • Bloom's taxonomy - Psychomotor Domain

    • Revised Bloom's Taxonomy

    • Lesson 8 - Learning Objectives Quiz

    • Lesson 9 - Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction

    • Gagne's Theory of Instruction Diagram

    • Gagne's Nine Events - Presentation Methods

    • Creating a Lesson Plan Using Gagne's Nine Events

    • Lesson 9 - Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction Quiz

    • Lesson 10 – Creating a Design Document

    • What Should I Include in Each Section of the Design Document?

    • Design Plan Template

    • Design Document Template

    • Lesson 10 - Creating a Design Document Quiz

    • Lesson 11 – Storyboarding

    • Storyboarding Template 1

    • Storyboarding Template 2

    • Storyboarding Template 3

    • Storyboarding Template 4

    • Lesson 11 - Storyboarding Quiz

    • Lesson 12 – Scripting Your ELearning Course

    • ELearning Standards and Style Guide Template

    • Lesson 12 - Scripting Your ELearning Course Quiz

    • Lesson 13 – Quality Assurance

    • Quality Assurance Checklist

    • Error Log Template

    • Lesson 13 - Quality Assurance Quiz

    • Lesson 14 – ELearning Implementation

    • Lesson 14 - ELearning Implementation Quiz

    • Implementation Phase Checklist

    • Lesson 15 – Section 508 Compliance

    • ELearning Requirement Checklist for 508 Compliance

    • Lesson 15 - Section 508 Compliance Quiz

    • Lesson 16 – Evaluation

    • Lesson 16 - Evaluation Quiz

    • Lesson 17 – Assessments

    • Lesson 17 - Assessments Quiz

    • Instructional Design and ELearning Glossary

    • Please Leave a Review